Contact Helpautism

To learn more about how you can benefit from free psychological evaluation for your child, how you can get in touch with the team of coordinators and therapists and about the way you can collect funds to finance the therapy programs, you can call us, send us an e-mail or a direct message by filling in the form below:

Help Autism Headquarters

Intrarea Graurului, nr. 9, parter, Sector 3, București

Tel:  0371.184.067

CONT RON RO05 BACX 0000 0008 4377 5000
CONT EUR RO75 BACX 0000 0008 4377 5001
CONT USD RO48 BACX 0000 0008 4377 5002
Opened at Unicredit Țiriac Bank, Dristorului Branch, București

Our centers:

Centrul Delea Nouă

Str.Delea Noua nr.36, Sector 3, Bucuresti

Centrul Mălin

Intrarea Graurului, nr. 9, parter, Sector 3, București

Centrul Casa Soarelui

Str.Marin Pazon, nr.2-4, Sector 3, Bucuresti

Centrul Help Autism Suceava

Bd. George Enescu nr 16, Suceava

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