In 2014, on the World Autism Awareness Day, April 2, in partnership with the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Sector 3, we inaugurated the therapy center Casa Soarelui

- Free center for early diagnosis, psychological assessment and counseling for children with developmental delays and their parents.The multidisciplinary team here consists of psychiatrists, neurologists and psychologists certified in cognitive behavioral therapies. Casa Soarelui Center provides the setting where 30 children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder benefit daily from individual therapy sessions.







Casa Soarelui Center Team

Oana Oprescu

Oana Oprescu

Coordonator centru, psiholog clinician și coordonator ABA

Marina Bocai

Marina Bocai

Psiholog clinician, Psihoterapeut, Coordonator ABA

Eleonora Petrișor

Eleonora Petrișor

Terapeut ABA

Laura Dumitrache

Laura Dumitrache

Terapeut ABA, coordonare terapie si evaluare

Miriam Ghețea

Miriam Ghețea

Terapeut ABA si coordonare terapie

Mariana Panait

Mariana Panait

Terapeut ABA

Cristina-Georgiana Vlăjoagă

Cristina-Georgiana Vlăjoagă

Terapeut ABA

Loredana Constantin

Loredana Constantin

Personal curatenie

    Ionela-Valentina Sterie

    Ionela-Valentina Sterie

    Asistent recepție

    Luminița Tărăban

    Luminița Tărăban

    Terapeut ABA

    Irina Budeanu

    Irina Budeanu

    Terapeut ABA

    Ana Lepădatu

    Ana Lepădatu

    Terapeut ABA



    Str.Marin Pazon, nr.2-4, Sector 3, Bucuresti

    View Casa Soarelui in a larger map

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    Centre Help Autism

    Help Autism Delea Noua

    The opening of Help Autism Delea Noua Therapy Center, in 2013, and the inclusion in the recovery program of 25 children, represented the beginning of the Help Autism story.

    Casa Soarelui Center

    In 2014, on the World Autism Awareness Day, April 2, in partnership with the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Sector 3, we inaugurated the therapy center Casa Soarelui

    Help Home Ozana

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    Help Home Târgoviște

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    Help Autism Târgoviște

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    Help Autism Suceava Center, inaugurated in 2016, comes to continue and develop the public-private partnership, from 2013, between The General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Suceava and Help Autism Association, under the project "They too have the right to life" project that led to the establishment of the subsidiary Help Autism Suceava. 

    Malin Center

    By opening this center, in 2016, we managed to expand our therapy services to other 25 children who have been integrated, this year, in the free recovery program.

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