AcceDis - Acces pe piața muncii pentru persoanele cu dizabilități


The project AcceDis - Access on the Labour Market for People with Disabilities is implemented by Help Autism Association in partnership with Specialisterne Iceland within the Active Citizens Fund Romania program, financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this website does not necessarily represent the official position of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021.

The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the oficial position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at



while in Europe the employability percentage is 10%


compared to 16% of disabled people

MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS such as anxiety and depression

which most of them have are directly correlated with the lack of job

Together we can help them get their first job

To have real access to the labor market, a joint public-private effort is needed to increase access to professional development programs for youth and adults with autism.


AcceDis - Access on the Labour Market for People with Disabilities

The main objective of this project is to strengthen partnerships between organizations that support people with disabilities, from Romania and Iceland, to encourage their access to the labor market.


1. A comparative study on the legislation in the 2 participating countries regarding access to the labor market for people with autism/disabilities.

2. A guide of good practices in the field of support services regarding access to the labor market for people with autism/disabilities.

3. A round table organized with Romanian stakeholders and the partners from Specialisterne Iceland on different aspects related to access of people with autism/disabilities on the labor market.


Project implementation period: June 6 – December 6, 2023
The total budget of the project: 30,000 euros


Specialisterne Iceland was founded in 2009 when a group of parents whose children were diagnosed with autism came together to prepare their children's future in the labor market. Since December 2010, the group has become a member of the international Specialisterne network under the new name of Specialisterne Iceland. The Specialisterne Network (which comes from the Danish word that means "The Specialists") is an innovative social business concept, originally founded in Denmark in 2004 by Thorkil Sonne. Specialisterne Network is internationally recognized as the first and foremost example of how adults with autism can become effectively included in society and provide valuable and high-quality services to employers. The Specialisterne international network has branches in 14 countries, including Iceland.


HelpHIRE is Help Autism Association's program through which we share resources, know-how and availability of our specialists to support the real integration of people with autism into the labor market.

The development direction of the program was launched in May 2022 together with the launch of the project: Increasing the chances of access to the labor market for people with autism, it is not limited to this project, and includes:

- I can internship - pilot paid internship program

- AcceDis - Access to the labor market for people with disabilities

- Autism Spectrum Pathways (ASP) – Inclusiveness in Education and the Workplace

- In the long run, HELP Autism Association aims to develop inclusive micro-enterprises as an alternative to existing jobs in Romania


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Dacă vrei sa te implici în transformarea vieților copiilor cu autism și ale familiilor, vino in Echipa Help Autism să construim împreună un viitor în care mințile diverse să facă parte în mod real din comunitate.

Anunț angajare: Terapeut ABA

Anunt angajare: Corporate fundraiser

Anunț angajare: Receptie centre Help Autism

Anunț angajare: Asistent Manager

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