Free therapy
The "Parent for Parent" program was initiated by Help Autism in 2014 and during its 3 years of existence over 100 children diagnosed with ASD have received free daily recovery therapy.
The funds needed to support the program come from the contribution of the over 400 parents, members of the association, who year after year choose to allocate part of the funds collected for the therapy of their own children, in order to help families at the beginning of their battle with this diagnosis.
In the 2017 edition of the "Parent for Parent" program, 37 children diagnosed with ASD will benefit, for free, from an intensive recovery program, in Help Autism Centres in Bucharest.
In order to join the free program, families requesting support must follow two steps:
Step 1: Signing up online by following the link http://www.helpautism.ro/parinte-pentru-parinte-2017/inscriere-in-programul-parinte-pentru-parinte-2017, or by filling in the form below.
Step 2: Submitting the files containing the documents as listed in the program regulation, by mail to Help Autism administrative headquarters, located on Str. Episcop Chesarie No.6, sector 4, Bucharest, or by email at contact@helpautism.ro before the submission deadline.
The program will run in two stages according to the following schedule:
STAGE I starts on November 15 and will end with the inclusion in the free program of 20 children.
15 to 30 November 2016 - receiving applications
December 5, 2016 - January 15, 2017 - assessment and selection of applications
January 16, 2017 - display of results
Eight of the selected children in this stage will be included in the theray program at the "Day Care Centre and Rehabilitation of Handicapped Children Harap Alb" in the 4th district.
STAGE II starts on January 16 and will end with the inclusion in the free program of 17 children.
16 January-16 February 2017 - receiving applications
February 17 to February 28, 2017 - assessment and selection of applications
March 1, 2017 - display of results
For more information about "Parent for Parent" program, please visit the links below:
The "Parent for Parent" program was awarded in the Civil Society Gala 2015 with two prizes in the categories "Originality" and "Education and Research" Help Autism thus being the only association awarded in two distinct categories of the Gala for the same project.
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