Help Autism Connect - involving the community in support of children with ASD

Thursday, December 3, to mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, took place, at the Palace of Parliament, the launching event of the Autism Connect portal - a quick mechanism to respond to the needs of children with autism, developed by specialists of the Help Autism Association.

Autism Spectrum Disorder is considered to be the most common medical condition of the child, it is a public health priority, as recommended by the European Commission. With an incidence of 1 in 68 children, four times more common in boys than in girls, autism diagnosis is becoming more common in Romania. Diagnosed at 2 years of age, with proper care, children with autism can get an to be independent adults.


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Join the largest community of therapists, parents and NGOs closely related to applied behavioral therapy. This platform aims at facilitating access to specialized rehabilitation therapy for children with ASD (autism spectrum disorders), ensuring interaction between parents of autistic children and psycho-therapists, doctors, students, medical service providers, social and educational services; creating an informational base extremely useful in support of families of children with ASD and also psychotherapists, doctors, teachers and students; initiating networking actions and "inter-pares" learning among representative social actors in issues of autism.

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04.02.2024 HELP AUTISM Wm 4

Asociația HELP Autism, împreună cu rețeaua europeană Autism Europe, rețelele și federațiile naționale în autism RO TSA, Federația Pentru Drepturi și Resurse Pentru Persoanele cu Tulburări în Spectrul Autism (F.E.D.R.A.), Federația Organizațiilor de Părinți Care Au Copii cu Dizabilități (F.O.P.C.D.) și Fundația Star of Hope România au lansat marți, 2 aprilie, Angajamentul pentru Autism în cadrul evenimentului  "Not Invisible" / "Nu sunt invizibil"

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